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Harvard Health Publishing

How to stay healthy during a drought

What is a drought? A drought is a prolonged dry period without rain. In the last few decades, droughts are occurring more frequently worldwide. With climate change, rising temperatures are…

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How well do you worry about your health?

Don’t worry. It’s good advice if you can take it. Of course that’s not always easy, especially for health concerns. The truth is: it’s impossible (and ill-advised) to never worry…

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Ready to give up the lead vest?

At a dental appointment last month, I spotted a lead vest hanging unassumingly on the wall of the exam room as soon as I walked in. “Still there, but now…

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What complications can occur after prostate cancer surgery?

Earlier this year, US defense secretary Lloyd Austin was hospitalized for complications resulting from prostate cancer surgery. Details of his procedure, which was performed on December 22, were not fully…

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Ever worry about your gambling?

Are online gambling and sports betting new to your area? Are gambling advertisements catching your eye? Have you noticed sports and news shows covering the spread? Recent changes in laws…

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Stepping up activity when winter slows you down

If you’ve been cocooning due to winter’s cold, who can blame you? But a lack of activity isn’t good for body or mind during any season. And whether you’re deep…

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4 things everyone needs to know about measles

When measles broke out in 31 states several years ago, health experts were surprised to see more than 1,200 confirmed cases –– the largest number reported in the US since…

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Is chronic fatigue syndrome all in your brain?

Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) –– or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), to be specific –– is an illness defined by a group of symptoms. Yet medical science always seeks objective…

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One more reason to brush your teeth?

Maybe we should add toothbrushes to the bouquet of flowers we bring to friends and family members in the hospital — and make sure to pack one if we wind…

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Does sleeping with an eye mask improve learning and alertness?

All of us have an internal clock that regulates our circadian rhythms, including when we sleep and when we are awake. And light is the single most important factor that…

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