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Harvard Health Publishing

Close relationships with neighbors influence cardiovascular health in Black adults

Feeling rooted in community and socializing with neighbors may strongly contribute to better cardiovascular health by improving diet, exercise habits, and weight control, new research among Black adults in Georgia…

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A mindful way to help manage type 2 diabetes?

Lifestyle changes like regular exercise, a healthy diet, and sufficient sleep are cornerstones of self-care for people with type 2 diabetes. But what about mind-body practices? Can they also help…

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Late-stage cervical cancer on the rise: What to know

When caught early through routine screening, cervical cancer is curable. In the US, roughly 92% of women with early-stage cervical cancer survive five years or longer, compared with only 17%…

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Optimism, heart health, and longevity: Unraveling the link for Black Americans

A positive outlook has been linked to better heart health and a longer life. But is that true for Black Americans, whose average lifespan is about 72 years, compared with…

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Does your child need to gain weight?

Understandably, the sensitive topic of weight in children and teens often focuses on the health costs of overweight and obesity. Sometimes, though, a child needs to gain some weight. And…

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Does inflammation contribute to infertility?

Infertility is a remarkably common problem. It affects up to one in five people in the US who are trying to become pregnant, and 186 million people worldwide. A thorough…

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