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Harvard Health Publishing

Weighing in on weight gain from antidepressants

If you’re struggling with depression, the most important question about taking an antidepressant is whether it will work. But another question on your mind may be whether it will fuel…

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Dengue fever: What to know and do

Mosquitoes are not just a buzzing summertime nuisance; they can carry serious diseases like West Nile virus, malaria, and Zika. In recent months, the US has seen an unusual spike…

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Testosterone-blocking drugs boost heart disease risk when given in combination

Cancer treatment can involve difficult tradeoffs, and that’s also true of the testosterone-blocking drugs used in treating prostate cancer. These drugs work in two different ways. Androgen deprivation therapies (ADT)…

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Parenting isn’t easy: Two important skills can help

They say that parenting is the greatest — and the most challenging — job that many of us will ever land. Life can be tough for kids too, especially when…

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Do tattoos cause lymphoma? – Harvard Health

Not so long ago, a friend texted me from a coffee shop. He said, “I can’t believe it. I’m the only one here without a tattoo!” That might not seem…

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Cannabis drinks: How do they compare to alcohol?

More than half of Americans live in states where recreational cannabis is legal. While alcohol remains the most-used drug in the US, daily cannabis use has actually outpaced daily drinking,…

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What is Lewy body dementia?

Months after actor and comedian Robin Williams took his own life in August 2014, autopsy results revealed he had a devastating disease: Lewy body dementia (LBD). Unlike Alzheimer’s disease and…

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Ever read your medical record? Here’s why you should

Do you ever read the notes written by your doctor or health practitioner during a medical visit? If not, you might want to check them out. Usually, these medical notes…

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Swimming lessons save lives: What parents should know

Before going any further, here’s the main thing parents should know about swimming lessons: all children should have them. Every year, over 4,500 people die from drowning in the United…

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Packing your hurricane go bag? Make provisions for your health

When you live in a coastal area, preparing early for potential hurricanes is a must. Storms can develop quickly, leaving little time to figure out where you’ll be safe or…

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