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Harvard Health Publishing

Save the trees, prevent the sneeze

When I worked at Greenpeace for five years before I attended medical school, a popular slogan was, “Think globally, act locally.” As I write this blog about climate change and…

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Why eat lower on the seafood chain?

Small fish and bivalves offer often-overlooked nutritional and environmental value. Many health-conscious consumers have already cut back on hamburgers, steaks, and deli meats, often by swapping in poultry or seafood.…

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Easy ways to shop for healthful, cost-conscious foods

Hitting start (or reset) on eating healthy. Three months into the year is a good time to recalculate if you’ve been slacking on your resolution to eat healthy. And if…

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Drug recalls are common – Harvard Health

Scientific advances have brought us scores of new drugs in recent years. In the US, one major agency — the FDA — is responsible for making sure that the drugs…

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Palliative care frightens some people: Here’s how it helps

During many stages of illness, palliative care can ease strains and provide additional support. Many people and their families associate the term palliative care with the end of life. Some…

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Can electrical brain stimulation boost attention, memory, and more?

Home devices marketed to enhance brain performance or treat brain disorders are not yet cleared by the FDA. Imagine this as a morning routine that replaces your first cup of…

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Helping children make friends: What parents can do

Practicing relationship skills and offering support without hovering helps. We all want our child to have friends. We want them to be happy, and to build the social skills and…

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3 ways to create community and counter loneliness

Breaking through loneliness to build connections and enhance well-being. Loneliness is complicated. You can feel lonely when you lack friends and miss companionship, or when you’re surrounded by people —…

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Are women turning to cannabis for menopause symptom relief?

A survey offers a glimpse into cannabis and CBD use among women in midlife. Hot flashes and sleep or mood changes are well-known, troublesome symptoms that may occur during perimenopause…

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Slowing down racing thoughts – Harvard Health

Calming and refocusing when anxious or negative thoughts surge through your mind. Everyone has moments when their brain suddenly goes haywire. They repeatedly fixate on the same thought, like being…

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