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Harvard Health Publishing

Cellulitis: How long does it take to heal on legs?

Cellulitis is an infection of the deep layers of the skin. It develops when bacteria enter through a cut, bite, or wound — including tiny breaks in cracked, dry skin.…

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21 spices for healthy holiday foods

The holiday season is one of the hardest times of the year to resist salty, fatty, sugary foods. Who doesn’t want to enjoy the special dishes and treats that evoke…

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What to do when driving skills decline

Part 2 of a two-part series on making decisions about driving as we age. Read Part 1 here. It’s a simple but unfortunate fact: driving skills can wane over time.…

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A tough question: When should an older driver stop driving?

When my grandmother repeatedly clipped the mailbox backing out of her driveway, she always had a ready explanation: “the sun was in my eyes” or “your grandfather distracted me.” Our…

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Opill: Is this new birth control pill right for you?

Birth control pills have been safely used in the US (and sold only by prescription) for more than half a century. Just this past summer, the FDA approved Opill, the…

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Do children get migraine headaches? What parents need to know

Headaches are very common in children and teens. In fact, more than half will suffer from headaches at some point, and by 18 years the majority of adolescents have had…

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Long-lasting C. diff infections: A threat to the gut

If you’ve ever dealt with diarrhea, you know how quickly it leaves you feeling depleted. Now imagine a case that rages on and on — or comes back again and…

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How much sleep do you actually need?

On average, how many hours do you sleep each night? For most healthy adults, guidelines suggest at least seven hours of slumber. But these are general recommendations and not strict…

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FDA approves new surgical treatment for enlarged prostates

Nearly a century ago, surgeons developed what is still considered the gold-standard treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), an age-related affliction that occurs when an enlarged prostate obstructs the flow…

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Kidneys, eyes, ears, and more: Why do we have a spare?

One of the many underappreciated things about the human body is that it has a lot of excess capacity. That is, our organs have more reserve than most of us…

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