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The key for Kubiak is getting the most out of quarterback Derek Carr, who experienced a roller-coaster first season in New Orleans. When hiring a new OC, Allen said he discussed the options with Carr and felt Kubiak’s offense would best fit the quarterback’s skill set.

“I think Derek is going to do exceptionally well,” Allen said. “I thought there was a point in time this past season where we started incorporating a little more of the play-action passing game, and I really felt like that’s where our offense started to take off. I thought that’s where Derek really kind of started to take off. I’ve had communication with Derek throughout this process and talked to him about some of the different candidates that we were bringing in.

“His brother David had played for Gary in Houston, and that was David’s last year in Houston. I was a little bit concerned that maybe that wouldn’t go over that great, and David had some really good things to say about the offensive scheme and about how he really appreciated the scheme and the things that they were doing. And really enjoyed playing for Gary and felt like if there’s some similarities, which I think there’s a ton between Gary and Klint, that it was gonna be a great fit. So I’m really kind of excited about that.”

Allen is banking on Kubiak jumpstarting the offense. Otherwise they’ll all likely be looking for new jobs in 2025.

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